Postcards and stamps
are a lovely way
to send your love
and brighten someone's day.

Love this retro Fall/Halloween card. I wonder how many dad's of today would wear a long sleeve shirt and tie combo with an apron for messy pumpkin carving.
Arrived from USA.

Especially for You Black Cat & Pumpkin Halloween Card
Arrived from USA

USA Celebrate Stamp-I love the celebrate stamp. There are endless uses for it to brighten mail.

Pretty, Pink, Hearts, Flowers-Silke Leffler-Love her work!
From Postcrossing Favorites
Arrived from Germany.

Germany Stamps

Even though this year is technically the Year of the Dragon, I love any "Year of" cards. This Year of the Rabbit from last year is new to my collection, so cute.
Arrived from China

China Stamps

Phillip Island Victoria Australia-Beautiful isn't it!
Arrived from Australia
are a lovely way
to send your love
and brighten someone's day.
Love this retro Fall/Halloween card. I wonder how many dad's of today would wear a long sleeve shirt and tie combo with an apron for messy pumpkin carving.
Arrived from USA.
Especially for You Black Cat & Pumpkin Halloween Card
Arrived from USA
USA Celebrate Stamp-I love the celebrate stamp. There are endless uses for it to brighten mail.
Pretty, Pink, Hearts, Flowers-Silke Leffler-Love her work!
From Postcrossing Favorites
Arrived from Germany.
Germany Stamps
Even though this year is technically the Year of the Dragon, I love any "Year of" cards. This Year of the Rabbit from last year is new to my collection, so cute.
Arrived from China
China Stamps
Phillip Island Victoria Australia-Beautiful isn't it!
Arrived from Australia
Awe, I love all of these postcards! they're so pretty :p.
Hope you're having a great week! ;D