It's Thursday, the week's half gone
Have you written anyone?
No pressure, simple will do
Just send your thoughts and good wishes
Let your love shine through.

Great Horned Owl-(Bubo virginianus)
There are eleven species around the world. They kill squirrels, skunks and chickens but their main food is rodents, especially rabbits. Horned Owls lay three white eggs in tree cavities, rocks or abandoned nests of other birds. So exciting when someone sends a new owl card!

California Redwoods-the world's tallest trees. Putting the Redwood Forest on my places to visit.

Amish Country-The main source of livelihood for the Amish is farming. If you happen to read here very often, you know I love Amish cards...happy dance!

Nebraska Mapcard-I'm trying to complete my USA Mapcard Collection of all 50 States and this is a very nice addition.
Have you written anyone?
No pressure, simple will do
Just send your thoughts and good wishes
Let your love shine through.
Great Horned Owl-(Bubo virginianus)
There are eleven species around the world. They kill squirrels, skunks and chickens but their main food is rodents, especially rabbits. Horned Owls lay three white eggs in tree cavities, rocks or abandoned nests of other birds. So exciting when someone sends a new owl card!
California Redwoods-the world's tallest trees. Putting the Redwood Forest on my places to visit.
Amish Country-The main source of livelihood for the Amish is farming. If you happen to read here very often, you know I love Amish cards...happy dance!
Nebraska Mapcard-I'm trying to complete my USA Mapcard Collection of all 50 States and this is a very nice addition.
I have no mail to answer at the moment so nope, I didn't write to anyone today:(
I like the California Redwoods postcard:)
I am working on mail today.. i love lazy days like today where i have the time to catch up on mail. i sent a postcard to Northern Ireland, a birthday card for a friend who has a birthday next week, and a letter to Ne-yo.Do you know him?
GotThatSwing-Glad you stopped by! The Redwood postcard has glitter on it but I wasn't able to get a proper picture of it. I've been to California many, many times and somehow have always missed the Redwoods. Must go there and the Jelly Belly Factory!
Ria-Sounds like a great mail day! Ne-yo, the singer? Wonderful!