Mail In
Mail Out
Something else to
be happy about!

Letter off to Donavan, we are penpals through Letter Writers Alliance and have been writing just over a year now!

This letter will making it's way to a penpal in Germany that I've connected with through Letternet.

I love Nancy Drew, totally thrilled to get a fold n' send letter on Nancy Drew paper!

The Spider Sapphire Mystery by Carolyn Keene Fold n' Send Letter from a USA penpal.

I sent two normal (meaning not Christmas) postcards yesterday. A beautiful California Vineyard headed to Russia and a White Tail Deer off to Ukraine (someone had the deer on her wishlist).

Lovin' the USA Forever Earthscapes Postage Stamps

Mixing and Matching USA Postage Stamps with Reds in them.

USA Postages Stamps, Stamps & More Stamps!
Mail Out
Something else to
be happy about!
Letter off to Donavan, we are penpals through Letter Writers Alliance and have been writing just over a year now!
This letter will making it's way to a penpal in Germany that I've connected with through Letternet.
I love Nancy Drew, totally thrilled to get a fold n' send letter on Nancy Drew paper!
The Spider Sapphire Mystery by Carolyn Keene Fold n' Send Letter from a USA penpal.
I sent two normal (meaning not Christmas) postcards yesterday. A beautiful California Vineyard headed to Russia and a White Tail Deer off to Ukraine (someone had the deer on her wishlist).
Lovin' the USA Forever Earthscapes Postage Stamps
Mixing and Matching USA Postage Stamps with Reds in them.
USA Postages Stamps, Stamps & More Stamps!
awww lovely envelopes and stamps!!
Wow!!Lovely outgoing mail. I hope my Diwali card reaches you soon.I am waiting for your letter and would let you know once it arrives. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thank you Elizabeth, so glad you stopped by! ;)
Thanks Amit, I'm hoping my letter arrives to you soon. I'll let you know as soon as your card arrives, I'm so excited to get it! :)
I L-O-V-E the Nancy Drew stationery! I was a big Nancy Drew reader when I was younger...reminds me of my childhood.