11/30/2012 04:14:00 PM
by Unknown
Never underestimate the power of a card or letter
you send,
it just might arrive on a day when someone's world
feels like it's coming to an end.
11/30/2012 08:06:00 AM
by Unknown

Wonderful Santa from Germany!

Cute Santa from Ukraine!

Reindeer from Taiwan

Taiwan Postage Stamp

Sweet Christmas kitty from Estonia

Estonia Christmas Postage Stamps
11/29/2012 09:30:00 AM
by Unknown
Today is Thursday and there's still time
to write a card and share what's on your mind!
Any card will do fancy, cheap and homemade too.
Start with the greeting, your words will flow.
Finish with your love and away it goes!
11/29/2012 08:42:00 AM
by Unknown
Such cute cards for today!

I'm smitten with this adorable Pink Christmas Postcard!
Arrived from Canada

Canada Gingerbread Boy & Girl Postage Stamps

North Pole Weather Station, so cute!
Arrived from Canada

Canada Christmas Noel Postage Stamps

The Grinch!
Arrived from USA

Charlie Brown, Snoopy & The Gang!
Arrived from USA
11/28/2012 08:15:00 AM
by Unknown
I love to add Holiday Cheer to my Christmas Cards before they hit the road but I'm also a girl on a budget.

Michael's always has a huge container of rubber and clear stamps for $1.00. I must have hit them just after the Christmas stamps arrived because there were so many to choose from, I very painfully narrowed it down to these cuties and I can't say for sure which is my favorite because I love them all (maybe the mouse or the penquin or the reindeer, or...or...all of them)! Best part...got them on sale and only paid .66 each per stamp! Oh Happy Day!

I'd say that when I send Christmas Cards I use a red sharpie 99.9% of the time to address the envelope. I like the ultra fine point, they are permanent ink, dry on contact and don't smear...did I mention cheap! Hobby Lobby has them for 30% off on a regular basis or you can get them at Michael's with a coupon. Either way, they only run about $1.20 or so.
Office Max ink pads are just as good for me as those super expensive ones at the craft stores, cheap too! I try to buy them when they are buy 1 get 1 half off and use the roller ink refills.
The little stickers are from Walmart, .97 for a huge roll, I put them on the back of the envelope seal.

Mailbox Happiness headed out the door for hardly any money and just a little time!
11/27/2012 08:30:00 AM
by Unknown

Happy Holidays from Garfield! Bright, Happy, Cheery and who doesn't love Garfield the Cat!
Arrived from Canada

Canada Christmas Postage Stamps
11/27/2012 08:00:00 AM
by Unknown

Finnish Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Santa, Reindeer, Birds and a wonderful finnish Christmas Greeting all make this a great Christmas Postcard!
Arrived from Finland.

Finland Europa 2012 Postage Stamp
11/27/2012 07:20:00 AM
by Unknown
Oh happy day,
you sent me mail
and it made my day!

Mailbox Happiness arrived in a very special way! The adorable Alex at
80sgirl sent me this beautiful Angel Advent Calendar. Thank you for thinking of me Alex, I can't wait to start using it!

Cute Envelope from
80sgirl, look at the perfect and pretty handwriting! I love the USS Constitution Stamp, it's one of my favorites from 2012!
11/26/2012 08:00:00 AM
by Unknown

Wellington, New Zealand's capital city at dusk. Night and dusk views are stunning, love this!

New Zealand Postage Stamp
11/26/2012 06:00:00 AM
by Unknown
Le Chateau Frontenac's Winter Magic located in Quebec, Canada. Living in Texas doesn't provide much in the way of wonderful winter view's or scenery so anytime someone sends a postcard showing the beauty of winter or snow, I'm thrilled!
Arrived from the Netherlands.

Official Netherlands Postcrossing Stamp
11/26/2012 05:00:00 AM
by Unknown

Fort Ross-California
Anya writes: 200 years ago Russians lived in Northern California. This land was purchased for three blankets, three pairs of pants, two axes, three hoes and some threads of beads from the Indians. I found some more very interesting information
here and
here. I love all the things I learn from

The top stamp is the Wooden Houses at Fort Ross, lovely indeed.
Postage Stamps from Russia.
11/25/2012 08:23:00 AM
by Unknown
Oh Happy Day!
Christmas Cards are special to me,
bringing lots of happiness and cheer
for my family to see!

Beautiful white cat in the window with a Christmas Tree.
Arrived from Finland. Postcard

Ded Morez, Grandfather Frost, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Arrived from Ukraine. Postcard

Ukraine Postage Stamps

Cute Christmas Bears building a snowman.
Arrived from Finland. Postcard

Finland Postage Stamp

Merry Christmas Kawaii Style.
Arrived from Tawian. Greeting Card

Taiwan Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Postage Stamp

I love this card, so dreamy!
Arrived from Russia. Greeting Card

Russian Postage Stamps
11/24/2012 06:55:00 AM
by Unknown
Goodbye mail,
you're on the way.
Here's to safe travel
and making someone's day!

It's been super busy over at the
Christmas Card Round Robin on Postcrossing. This is the most recent stack of Christmas Cards loaded with Christmas Stamps that headed out to destinations worldwide. If you love Christmas mail please feel free to join a group or two, I'd love to have you!

A few more outgoing *non-holiday* postcards.
Cute Hello Kitty eating ice cream Postcard
Thomas Kinkade Chapel Postcard
2011 Disneyland Lenticular Postcard (didn't photograph well, did it)

Dallas Skyline Postcard
Labrador Retriever Postcard
Boston Vintage Reprint Postcard

Mt. Rushmore Postcard
Tiffany Glass Postcard
11/22/2012 06:49:00 AM
by Unknown
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have a wonderful day full of good food, great fun, many laughs and a little shopping if that's on your list too!

Vintage Thanksgiving Turkey Greeting Postcard-
I love vintage cards, they really bring the past alive. You catch a small glimpse into someone's life, most often there's no full address like we have today and certainly no zip code. The postmarks are hand cancelled and clear and there's always the postage stamp which has hung on to this card for 99 years now!

11/20/2012 07:41:00 AM
by Unknown
Hello Christmas Cards you've arrived again,
bringing joy and smiles like an old friend.
With a cup of coffee and a break in the day,
we open each one to see what they'll say.
You send Hello's, Well Wishes and
loving thoughts for a Very Merry Christmas.

This is another one of those, perfect Christmas Cards to me! Santa, animals (including an owl in the tree) little girl and mail flying off the back of the sleigh!
Arrived from Germany

I'm in love with the Blond Series of postcards and am thrilled to get this wonderful Blond Charity Christmas Card. It's sold in class 7 (10-11 years old) and the profits go to national and international children charities.
Arrived from Netherlands.

This series of Netherlands Postage stamps is the Kinderpostzegels, sold by the children in the Netherlands door to door and the proceeds benefit children's charities. I love them and Princess Alexia is adorable! Maybe I'll get lucky and receive the rest on more cards.

Let Heaven and Nature Sing, love this sweet little card.
Arrived from USA.
11/19/2012 07:48:00 AM
by Unknown
Dear Christmas Cards, you're so nice to see.
Bringing happiness and cheer comes for you naturally.
The sweetest little bird Christmas card from the Netherlands. Happy, cute and bright...all just right!

Netherlands Postage Stamps

Fantastic Santa Christmas Card from Taiwan. Anytime I receive a new Santa card for my collection, it's a great day!

Taiwan Postage Stamps

I love birds, I think my friend knows this! She sent me this adorable Christmas Card with sweet birds from the Netherlands loaded with pink and gold. So delicate and pretty!

Netherlands Postage Stamps

Much Happiness at Christmas!
"Content is Happiness." What a great reminder as all the stores are loaded with merchandise and sales at Christmas time.
Arrived from Taiwan.

Taiwan Postage Stamps