1/31/2013 07:15:00 AM
by Unknown
I love dressing my postcards
with cute rubber stamps
and sweet little inks!
I'm always on the look out for small, cute rubber stamps to use on postcards I send out. On one of my weekly look and see trips to Michael's, these cute stamps and ink pads jumped off the endcap and into my shopping cart! Can you believe it! They were thrilled to come home with me and have been adorning postcards everyday since their arrival! Best part, only $4.99 each, that's a hard price to beat. ;) Do you decorate postcards you send out?
1/30/2013 07:37:00 AM
by Unknown
Paper, scissors, tape and glue
make happy envelopes
ready to send to you!
Meredith & I had a little "envelope making party" for
A Month of Letters, so much fun! We got out papers, stickers, tapes, labels, rubber stamps and anything else that struck our fancy at the moment and created away. There weren't any rules on how the envelopes had to look, no supplies were off limits, it was just time for us to have fun. The end result, happy envelopes ready to go for Lettermo!
1/29/2013 06:59:00 AM
by Unknown
Here you see
mail from me
off for delivery!
Postcards on the way yesterday: You'll see below, it was a kitten kind of day. ;)

Told ya, a kitten kind of day!
Here you see
mail for me,
all bright
and cheery!
Mail arrival at the 2809 yesterday:

Four letters arrived yesterday! I've been busy writing and sending them, it's so nice to have several arrive for me! Send-receive....send-receive!

I love Owl postcards...ok...I love most postcard but I really do love owls and these are just adorable!
Arrived from Germany

Germany Postage Stamps

Wheeee! A new postcard for my goat collection...so darn cute!
Arrived from USA

Singapore Tropical Fruits-Yummy!

Singapore Year of the Snake Postage Stamps

A wonderful art card made by mentally ill person in the Netherlands. The postcards they make help to support their project.
Arrived from Netherlands

Netherlands Postage Stamps
1/28/2013 07:16:00 AM
by Unknown
Oh dear, how can it be
I've gotten behind on
posting all the mail I've
I'm going to do my best
to get caught up before the
month of Lettermo officially
starts up!

Thank you Marti for sending me this fantastic Amish postcard for my small but growing collection! Please let me know if you would like to trade other postcards for Amish ones, I have a big selection. ;) I'd also love to know if you have a blog.

Tammy, Meredith and I love this wonderful card and the vintage stamps you used below! Thank you! Do you happen to have a blog?

Vintage USA Postage Stamps

My penpal Stefani visited the Singapore Philatelic Museum and sent me this wonderful postcard of the museum, a certain treasure! Thank you Stefani!

Singapore Postage Stamp

I love this card, it's perfectly titled...Dream on a Thread! Lovely, don't you think?

Russia Postage Stamp

Greetings from Dubai, I think this is my first postcard from the United Arab Emirates, always great to add another country to my collection!

United Arab Emirates Postage Stamp
1/27/2013 08:42:00 AM
by Unknown
Postcards, stamps & a letter on the way
that's what it's about today! ;)
Oh boy, I love having a large selection of postcards to choose from! It's gives me the opportunity to almost always find something from my partners favorites or wishlist and hopefully when they open their mailbox it brings them an instant smile! I know it does for me! You?

I finally purchased the new USA Lunar New Year stamps, love them!
1/26/2013 08:29:00 AM
by Unknown
Hello Darlings,
You know it's true~
Seasonal Saturday
helps me keep the
holiday Spirit alive
all year through.
I know, I know...Christmas is over-you've finally got all your Christmas packed up and out of the house. The cards are put away or (gasp) thrown away and you don't want to see or hear any mention of Christmas or the holidays again.
I get it, I really do but I love, love, love Christmas and (really all holidays) if you happen to stop by here on a Saturday it's likely you'll be getting a big dose of Christmas Cheer all through the year. Look at it this way, at least I've contained it to Saturday's! :)
Hugs to all of you, hope you have a fantastic day!

Adorable little couple in love!
Arrived from Russia

Russia Postage Stamps

Angel with Bird by Galyna Bodyakova-This beautiful postcard is part of a charity project and the proceeds help pay for treatment of children with blood cancer.

Lovely red birds in snowy trees from Ukraine

Fantastic Santa Envelope from Ukraine

Yummy Christmas Sweets!

Russia Postage Stamps
1/25/2013 08:51:00 AM
by Unknown
Today is a great day
to start sending
Valentine's Day mail
along the way!
If you're sending Valentine's Day mail to international friends this year and want it to arrive in time, consider starting to send it now. You can pick up Valentine's Day Postcards at Amazon:
Valentine Postcard Book,
Vintage Valentine Postcard Book,
Victorian Valentines.
Valentine's Day Postcards on the way!

USA Postage Stamps on Valentine's Day Postcards.
1/24/2013 06:59:00 AM
by Unknown
Thursday says, "Hello!"
have you any mail
ready to go?
No, you say?
Grab a postcard,
notecard or paper
and pen.
Compose a few loving,
supportive words
and send off to a friend!
Today brings more wonderful cards from the
Swapbot 52 Postcards in a Week Project, so much fun!

Alcatraz also known as, "the Rock". This is my first postcard of the controversial maximum security prison located in San Francisco, California.

North Texas doesn't experience autumn/fall colors like other parts of the USA, cards like this allow me to armchair travel through fall any time of the year.

The famous St. Louis Arch in spring-stands 630ft. tall and is our nation's largest man-made monument.
1/23/2013 07:07:00 AM
by Unknown
Yesterday's mail brought much delight to the 2809
lots of mail themed cards and a letter, all so divine.

Wheeeee...yesterday's mail brought an official Lettermo postcard from Jan at
Of Bibles, books and letters. Oh yes, a little happy dance happened here at the 2809! ;)

USA Postage Stamps

More great mail! Steve who blogs at
Recording Thoughts sent me a lovely letter. Thank you Steve, a reply will be on the way very soon!

Isn't this a great postcard, look at that wonderful mail all bundled up and ready to go! Can you imagine receiving that many letters in a day/week or month! Heaven!
Arrived from Russia

Russia Postage Stamps

Postcard full of everything mail related, so cute!
Arrived from Singapore