8/31/2012 08:46:00 AM
by Unknown
Postcards...Postcards, Oh how I love thee.
Gaining knowledge and friendship along the way.
Sharing your world, writing your words,
Being a special part of someone's day.

This is truly a fantastic card! An official 2012 Olympic Canadian Rowing Card with matching special release stamp. I feel special to have it in my collection!

Canada 2012 Olympic Rowing Stamp

I enjoy seeing what different mailboxes look like around the world. This one is situated in Russia, such a lively and bright yellow!

Russia Stamps
8/30/2012 08:35:00 AM
by Unknown
Hello mail you've come again,
You bring me lots of cards and friends.
Doesn't matter short or long,
I like to know how you're getting along.

I love cards showing fireworks, getting one makes for an amazing mail day! A maxicard with Sydney Harbour Bridge at New Year's Eve with a spectaculer fireworks show.

Wish I knew what this Chimpanzee was thinking!

Who do you think is more curious, the cat or the mouse (or is it a hamster)?

Moldova Stamps, just gorgeous!
Lake Baikal in Russia is the world's oldest lake, at 25 million years (possibly older), and deepest, averaging 744.4 m (2,442 ft).

A letter out to my penpal on Monday.

Outgoing Swap

Miss Kiss generally helps me with some part of my mail day, today she held the twine. Wasn't that nice of her. ;)

I asked her to pose for a pic and she politely but firmly responded, "Darling, I Am Posing."
8/28/2012 08:27:00 AM
by Unknown
Put your words on paper,
Mail them to me.
I'll respond and send them to thee.
We can share and have fun,
Keep it light and easy.
Or go deep and dark,
Whatever comes easy.
(A little note about the rhymes, poems I post here: They come out of my head just like you read them, good or bad.)

Here's a quick peek at a little of what went out yesterday. The beautiful card on the left is by
Emily Winfield Martin. You can find her shop,
The Black Apple, on etsy. The cat is none other that a Kliban!

Time to practice something than my "normal" handwriting.

Talk about thrilled to see this card tucked into my mail stack, you can't even imagine! Even more exciting to realize it's from Wanda in Canada who is a reader here! The card shows a retrospective of postage issued by Canada with Queen Elizabeth on it and you can see the beautiful stamp just below. Wanda, Thank you so much! You made our day here at the 2809!

Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Canada Stamp 2012

Who doesn't love Snoopy? I had this adorable Snoopy card in my
Postcrossing Favorites (do you belong) and doesn't everyone have a better day with Snoopy around! I know, I do!!

Portugal Postage Stamp

Penpal Letter from Manuela in Germany. Whoop, love receivin' letters!
8/27/2012 09:26:00 AM
by Unknown
Seeing the tiniest corner of a lovely stamp peeking out,
Noticing the envelope with familiar handwriting from a penpal,
Sending and receiving mail the old fashioned way,
What a wonderful part of every day!
Chongqing China, it's always exciting to get a card showing fireworks!

Alphonse Mucha - Cognac Bisquit - Paris 1899-Beautiful Art

Blue Ridge Parkway dressed in fall colors. I love seeing natural parts of America, was so happy this card arrived at the 2809.

Astana, Kazakhstan.
8/25/2012 07:59:00 AM
by Unknown

Here's a letter that departed yesterday. The envelope is made from a recycled stamp envelope. I made a cut out for the address and used super bright colors. Grew weary of writing on paper this week so this letter is on matching bright index cards, you can just see them peeking through the envie.

A sweet blog reader, Kelsey, from
Me and My Nail Polish sent me this cute taco card. Thanks Kelsey and keep an eye on your mailbox! ;)

Cute white kittens arrived from Slovenia, adorable!

Slovenia Stamps

Sweet kittens sitting in the grass, they don't look all that please about it...do they?

Sweden Stamps
8/24/2012 10:40:00 AM
by Unknown

I know it's only the end of August but:
Here comes Santa Claus,
Here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus Lane.
Yes, I love (totally obsessed with) Santa Cards and this one is up where I can see his happy face everyday!
If you like, love or are obsessed with Holiday and Christmas Cards the
Christmas Card Round Robin that I host at
Postcrossing will soon be in high gear. There's nothing like Holiday Cheer arriving from around the world during the most wonderful time of the year...just ask my daughter, or me! ;)
8/23/2012 09:06:00 AM
by Unknown
Thursday, Thursday
it's time to see
what will my mailbox
bring for me?

I spotted these bright colored tapes at Target the other day on an endcap full of art supplies. Of course, they had to come home with me and at $6.99 per container they were easy on my wallet!

Haven't had as much time to pictures of outgoing mail but I did snap this one before it flew away.
8/21/2012 09:00:00 AM
by Unknown
Mail mail, oh how can it be
Ebb and flow
And so it goes
Whether caught up or behind
Mail is always on my mind

Kotovasiya Cats-I'm not sure of the "official title" of this card but it looks like they are guards.
I love these cute illustrated cats!

A beautiful, old weathered barn sitting in a peaceful field located Missouri.
Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony in New Zealand. They even provide opportunities to adopt your own penquin.

Yummy, chocolate bars all tied together in pretty ribbon. Who wouldn't love to receive that as a gift!
8/09/2012 08:46:00 AM
by Unknown
8/07/2012 06:39:00 AM
by Unknown
It's always exciting to get cards from far away places. Thank You
Postcrossing &
Postcrossing Forums for providing a wonderful opportunity to everyone around the world. If you aren't a member, it's really a lot of fun and the poeple are very nice!

.Wonderful Illustrated Card. I don't know the artist, if you do would you let me know.
Arrived from Russia

Beautiful Easter Card, the scan doesn't show all the glittery yumminess!
If you like sending/receiving Holiday Cards throughout the year, consdier joining the
Holiday RR on Postcrossing. There is an enormous turnout for Christmas, which generally gets rolling in October because the mails starts slowing all over the world.
Arrived from Poland

Green Island Lighthouse, Taiwan
Built by American Red Cross in 1939
Becaise the residentx in Green Island saved people on
President Hoover Cruise in 1938 from a shipwreck.
Arrived from Taiwan