3/13/2012 10:05:00 AM
by Unknown
Here's a peek at what arrived just yesterday!

Happy Easter Bunnies!
Arrived from Turkey

Turkey Stamp

Russian Valentine Card with adorable children.
Arrived from Russia

The cutest Valentine Day's Card from Russia.

Merry Christmas Bears from Poland!

Since I'm a Santa Claus fan, I had to show you this wonderful Santa envelope from Poland!
Santa Claus envelope from Poland.

Poland Stamps

Happy New Year card from my friend in Belarus!

Belarus Christmas Stamps

Christmas Cat Card from Turkey.

Turkey Stamps

Thailand Elephant

Thailand Stamps

Hooker & Company Journeying through the Wilderness in 1636 from Plymouth to Hartford
by Frederic Edwin Church.

USA Lunar New Year Stamp

The Wizard of Oz illustration by Kim Min Ji of China

China Stamps

Sleeping Cat. This is exactly how my cat, Hershey sleeps all the time!

Taiwan Year of the Dragon Stamp

Malaysia Village by Hudry Hayat

Malaysia Stamp

I received this beauiful Nile River Stamp on a package from Singapore, it's so beautiful and detailed!
3/09/2012 09:00:00 AM
by Unknown
Postcards-There really is a postcard for any and every topic you can imagine.
How many people do you know get Guinea Pigs, Beautiful Snow, Cats, French Horns, Butterflies and Giraffe's writing postcards delivered to their mailboxes? Bits of happiness for Meredith & I everyday!

Guinea Pig Postcards exist! They really do! This is our...well really Meredith's...first Guinea Pig Postcard to receive. Meredith and a very nice lady from the Netherlands have been exchanging postcards and she was so kind to send this to Mer! See how cute, their tiny pink feet are...love it!

Netherlands Stamps with Bert & Ernie

Living in Texas, this is not a view that I've ever seen.
Authenic Sugar House in Vermont.

Adorable Russian Illustrated Cat on Story Books.

The very first card I've ever seen showing a French Horn, my son played the French Horn in high school so this is a perfect card for me!

Beautiful Poland Persian Cat Stamp

Postcrossing Official
FI-1348331 arrived for Meredith, such a pretty yellow butterfly.

Finland Stamps, love the spring flowers.

Look closely at this Illustrated Giraffe, he/she is putting a stamp on a postcard! I love it!

Russia Stamps
3/08/2012 09:00:00 AM
by Unknown
I love mapcards, old and new and especially if they are about Texas! This is a true gem and all about "Texas & Proud Texans" of course!

Here Lies Texas Mapcard
"Texas occupies all of the continent of North America except a small part set aside for the United States, Canada and Mexico. It is bordered on the north by 30-odd states and on the east by all the oceans except the Pacific, on the south by the Texas Border and on the west by the Pacific Ocean and the rest of the world." from "Texas Braggs"
Texas Is:
SO BIG that they practice 'round the world flying here without ever crossing the border!
SO FLAT that they put signs up to the tell the rivers which way to run!
SO WILD that not even the law of gravity is obeyed.
SO WOOLLY that they supply 35% of U.S. wool and 90% of the mohair and still have enough left to pull the wool over your eyes!
Texans Are:
SO PROUD that it takes 10-gallon hats to contain the swellhead!
SO RUGGED that the wild Indians, buffalo herds and longhorns just gave up and disappeared!
SO INDEPENDENT that they have their own Independence Day! (March 2nd, when they became an independent nation in 1836.)
SO HOSPITABLE they don't care who comes to Texas!

The back of the postcard is equally entertaining!
3/07/2012 09:00:00 AM
by Unknown
Mail travels for miles
Mail brings me smiles
From me to you
You to me
Oh how wonderful mail can be

Happy Easter Bunny & Eggs! Easter will be here before we know it and the holiday cards are starting to arrive!
Arrived from England

England Stamp

A beautiful scene of children sitting in boats in Vietnam.

Viet Nam Stamps

Summer is fast approaching here in the USA, fruits and berries are always a wonderful part of summer!
Arrived from Russia

Russia Stamps

Mmmmmm....A Pink and White Heart Shaped Cookie!
Arrived from The Netherlands

Netherland Cow Stamp

A fantastic nightview of City Hall in Wroclaw, Poland!

Poland Stamps

Postcrossing Official
US-1561357 arrived for Meredith. Bison-The State Mammal of Kansas.
I think I've said this before but it's worth repeating, if you have children
Postcrossing is a great avenue for them to learn, travel and appreciate this fine earth we are living on.

USA Bonsai Stamp
3/06/2012 08:32:00 AM
by Unknown
Mail Call...What a Haul!

A penpal letter headed somewhere in the USA.

Incoming Mail for 3.5.12, lots of yummy goodness in that stack!

Mail, Mail, Mail...
Ana is a fantastic penpal and friend! She sent me this very sweet gift, talk about making me feel special! I love it!

A wonderful letter from my penpal in Italy!

A very nice note from a wonderful reader!

I'm a huge Norman Rockwell fan so imagine my delight when I found this Saturday Evening Post Postcard Book full of cards by him.

Posta Botanica Cards by Helen Buttfield are beautiful works of art, another great find.

Wild Rose Postcard by Helen Buttfield in the Posta Botanica Postcard Book.